Tuesday 13 December 2011

Who Are the Top Technology Innovators in Higher Education?

You’re probably sick of lists at this point in the year. Indulge us: You’ll like this one, and we need your help to compile it. The Chronicle plans to profile 10 of the top technology innovators in higher education. This is your chance to nominate them.
In the comments section of this blog post, tell us who you think is doing the most exciting work around higher education and technology. Yes, that’s a pretty broad topic—by design. Nominees can come from any area within academe (teaching, libraries, scholarship, admissions, student life, online learning, etc.) or outside of it (companies, government, think tanks, publishing). Basically, we’re looking for people who are thinking big about how technology can change education—and putting their ideas into practice.
These are profiles, so we’re also looking for stories—what people are like, how they got to where they are, what impact they’ve made, why these issues matter to them. So don’t forget to include that stuff in your suggestions, too. Thanks!Read more


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